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Vector Art vs Raster Art

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vector art is the perfect and preferred form of art to start with when screen printing. The difference between vector art and other types of art, such as digitized art is simple. Vector art is the use of points, lines, and curves based on mathematical equations to produce the image. Digitized art is based on pixels making up the image.
Vector art is that is always smooth and sharp due to the fact that it is generated by a computer language called PostScript. In short, this means that you can create a piece of art in Adobe Illustrator, then blow it up as large as you wish without any change to the quality of the image. Pulling and image off the Web and placing into a file, then enlarging it will not work. You'll lose all resolution. In the examples shown below, you'll notice that in one example, the lines are smooth and sharp – that's vector art – and it's perfect for screen printing. The other example is of raster art enlarged. You can see the there are no sharp edges – the image is literally tearing apart. Raster art is very limited in the ways you can use it. Images on the Web are raster – like a photo. All photography is raster. As you can see the smooth and clean lines are completely gone and you're left with a pixelized version of your art. If you were to continue to enlarge the raster image, you would eventually end up with a pixelated blob. The great thing about vector art is that it is always smooth and clean due to the fact that it is generated by PostScript. Plus, you'll be able to export your vector art to any other format you may need – JPG, EPS, GIF, TIFF, PDF. However, there is no process for transforming raster or bitmap files into a vector file format. Creating a vector image from a raster or bitmap file is a time consuming process, depending on the complexity of the art. The image has to be redrawn in Adobe Illustrator. It can be done – and should be done in order to have a properly formatted (and usable) file in various forms of reproduction in additional to screen printing.

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